Personality Assesment

Personality Assesment for the Workplace. Hire, Build, and Lead with Personality Data

Predict Performance and Compentency Potential with Encode Personality Data.

Personality is the driving force of our everyday behaviour, especially at work. Encode measures characteristics that predit performance and future potential in any job role. Encode will show how a person will behave and fit into the work environtment, when working with other people, and perform in any specific job context.

Encode Versions

Executive Encode

Hiring solutions for graduates, managers, executives, engineers, and many job-specific roles at scale.

Behavioural Encode

Platform that provides real-time analytics to help you develop and mobilize your workface towards the right direction.

As a small firm, we were able to leverage TalenX’s expertise and experience to develop a talent strategy strong enough to compete with the largest firms in our industry. Whatever industry you are operating in, TalenX can help you stay ahead of the competition by strengthening your core asset – human capital.

Edward Cumberlege

Director of Sagamore Investments

Encode has provided the engineering team at Scratch pay with the capabilities to identify high potential talent that fit our culture. It would be a challenge to find team members that fit in without Encode today.

Nicholas Embleton

Chief Technological Officer

Encode Insight Report was instrumental in giving our coaches a scientific insight into the strengths and weaknesses of the Nigerian Youth that they were helping to develop into successful entrepreneurs. Our coaches were highly satisfied with the tool in our African Global Social Responsibility Initiative with Impact Income, Nigeria.

Ivan Young

Founding Vice President of Social Responsibility Initiatives

Get Training
in Encode

Get accredited to use our Encode profressionally and transform how you hire, develop, coach, and lead your talents

Personality Profiling
for Large Volume

Encode accurately identify the strengths of the person against the key competencies requirement for the role you're filling.

Already a Registered
BPS User?

It's time to convert to Encode! Add a powerful assessment as part of your skillset. Attent our one day accreditation course.

Frequently Asked Questions

Encode is one of the market’s SMARTEST personality assessments that measures one’s potential and performance at work. It measures 36 competencies related to 21st century workplace performance.

Encode leverages on AI technology to uniquely adapts itself to how the person is responding to the assessment questions, making each session a unique assessment experience.

For more information about Encode, visit our research page.

Encode asks you questions related to your workstyle, behaviours, competencies, motivations, values and attitudes in the workplace.

Encode measures 36 competencies relevant to 21st century work place performance. Leveraging on over 50 years of research into performance at work, TalenX Psychologists identified these 36 competencies as important to improve performance at work across jobs, levels, industries, and company size.

Encode is one of the only personality assessments that measures how the interplay between how one’s motivations and behavioural competence impact our competency expression, making Encode the most modern, up-to-date, and advanced personality assessments in the market.