Thursday, 1 September 2022

HR Business Partner, Job Orientation, Self-Improvement

What Makes an Effective Employee Orientation & How Can You Conduct One Well


Employee orientation is the process of introducing your new hires to your company culture, hierarchy, job responsibilities, co-workers, workplace facilities and more on day of onboarding; Good employee orientation plans allow new employees to get to know the very basics. It answers any questions or concerns a new hire may have while also reducing anxiety under a new environment as company policies and employer expectations can be daunting. The orientation session will help them assimilate comfortably into their new roles.


Orientation is the official starting point of your employer-employee relationship. It can determine if the transition will be smooth or a little rocky. 

A research found that new employees who have undergone a well-structured onboarding orientation are 82% more likely to remain at a company for up to three years. When both parties are able to express what’s required of the other, it reduces misunderstandings and assumptions because all aspects of performances have been covered.

Employee orientation also creates greater understanding amongst employees long term. New research from pre-hire assessment specialists, ThriveMaps reveals that 48% of employees have left a role because it was not what they expected it to be. Here’s where the orientation can curb these assumptions as it aligns expectations from the very beginning and reduces overall job frustration.

Productivity is the act of performing responsibilities at an optimum level, leveraging on the time given; it is what employers want their employees to be. The results of a productive employee are amazing: they optimize their work; they add value to their teams and are an investment to the company.   

We’ve all heard of standard operating procedures (SOP) but do we set clear policies for coaching and training? It is essential that employees receive the same training and information to produce quality work that will benefit the organization. No policy leads to knowledge gaps and leaves room for assumptions that could bring about confusion, misconception and a failed strategy in certain situations.


  1.     Make a good first impression

Job-onboarding requires more than just an employee handbook, handouts, slides or an engaging speaker; it’s about making a good first impression to your employees. Your employee orientation should make new hires feel welcome and engaged from day one. Good first impressions matter as your new hires may tell their friends about their first working day, surely you’d want them to review it as a pleasant and rewarding experience, not a poor and uninspiring one. A practical tip would be to organize a welcome lunch for your new hires to help create a sense of belonging.

  1.     Keep onboarding information simple

We suggest not bogging your new hires with facts, figures, and flowcharts. Instead focus on the practical aspects that will help them assume their role such as setting up their work email, phone, and laptop. Remember to keep instructions brief and clear as well as to address any concerns they may have.

  1.     Get your new hires acquainted

It’s essential to get new employees up to speed with the when, where, who, what, and why. Offer your new hires a map of the facilities and nearby restaurants as well as a glossary of your company’s jargon and any other related materials. Similarly, introduce them to the people that they will be interacting with regularly to facilitate collaboration effectively.

  1.     Using research to enhance effectiveness

Gain a better understanding of your candidates’ personalities using scientific tools to enhance your employee orientations effectively and efficiently. It’s a great way to get to know who they are as a person before meeting them for the first time.

At TalenX, we believe in the science of hiring. Our TalenX Personality Inventory combines over one hundred years of research into business psychology and personality research to help your organization reach its fullest potential. Predict the future behaviour of your new hires and develop their potential and growth with us.


While the 4 tips above act as a rule-of-thumb for conducting an effective employee orientation, below are some practical information that must be included in your employee orientation as well:

Company safety rules

Explain the necessary safety rules that are relevant to your company. Eg: Emergency exits, gathering points in case of a fire, etc.

Company policies

Effectively communicate what your company’s policies are. Eg: Zero tolerance for workplace violence, privacy policies when filling up personal information, etc.


Notify your new hire of the compulsory trainings that  they must undergo and the relevant details (Eg: training conductor, venue, any supplies to bring along). Common training might include compliance, ergonomics and safety training. 

Potential hazards

Tour the office space with your new hire and discuss potential work area hazards such as a chipped floor tile or a loose cable running through the walls. Remember to answer related questions and concerns regarding such issues. 

Food & beverage

Explain that food items are to be stored in the refrigerator. All food containers should be clearly labelled otherwise it could be thrown out to ensure hygiene standards are met. 

Relevant departments

Ensure that all leaders are aware of your new hires and anticipate potential queries. This is especially important for the safety and security department as well as facility management. 

Important contacts

Give your new hires a list of names and phone numbers of the personnel involved in case of an emergency. 

Once these items are checked off your list, you can incorporate fun and the introduction part into your orientation. Spend time getting to know your new hires, their previous work experience, hobbies, life mottos, etc. 


Orientation – A session whereby new hires can familiarize themselves with their new role, department, responsibilities and company.

A good employee orientation should:

–   Allow open communication

–   Create room for expectations to be conveyed

–   Make addressing queries and concerns seamless

–   Make new hires feel welcome in an interactive way

Stats don’t lie:

–   New hires who experienced an effective orientation session are likely to stay longer at an organization

–   One of the top reasons for employees leaving a company is that expectations are not met (which should be covered in any good employee orientation)

Top tips for employee orientation (as an employer):

  1. Make a great first impression
  2. Keep onboarding information simple
  3. Get your new hires acquainted
  4. Use research to enhance effectiveness

Employee orientation must-haves:

  • Company safety rules
  • Company policies
  • Trainings
  • Potential hazards
  • Food & beverage
  • Relevant departments
  • Important contacts

TalenX will be publishing high quality, well-crafted human resources related articles on a regular basis. Please bookmark our blog or subscribe to our newsletter to stay updated on the latest trends in HR. 



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