Leadership Identification

Future Proof your Leadership Strategy

Reduce Risk of Promoting Wrong Talent

The changing demands in a competitive market makes the job of a leader all the more difficult. And yet, many organisations do not have an in-depth method to identify and groom future leaders that would meet the demands if tomorrow. Many organisations rely on gut feel and subjective opinions to evaluate and place employees into new leadership roles, thereby increasing their risk for making a wrong decision and lowering the success of the company.

Almost half of the leaders
Fail to meet their objectives

Source: LinkedIn

TalenX Professional
Recruitment Solution

Identify and Develop Leaders that Drive Business Growth

Identify future leaders, and prepare them for their new role by assessing their internal attributes and characteristics. Leverage on people insights to accelerate your time to impact, and drive business performance.

Making the Right Decision

TalenX adopts an evidence based approach that creates holistic, person focused, and context focused approach to identifyng and developing future leaders. Accurately assess, compare, and develop leaders that will succeed.

Over 60% of leaders do not adapt quick quick enough to changing demands

Why TalenX

Our Approach

Assess potential leaders, and their level of readiness to assume such responsibilites

Improve performance through leadership develop to quickly drive output

Invest resources in the right leader

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Topic : A New Age
for Hiring Millenials


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