Due to the constant changes and external pressures of our environment, it is becoming increasingly difficult for organisations to build a comprehensive and futureproof talent succession strategy. Typical succession plans assume that current performance in one role translates into performance in another, leaving future successors unprepared for the new role that they are trying to fill.
Less than 30% of leadership roles are filled by successors
Source: LinkedIn
TalenX Succession Planning Solution
Prepare Future Talent for New Roles
Tap into deep an diverse pool of talent by effectively predicting their potential to succeed in new context or roles. Leverage on objective people insights to accelerate their readiness to drive impact in their new role.
Contextualized and Specific
Succession strategies are unique and individualized based on the context and objectives of the organisation. TalenX ensures that clients focues on characteristics and competencies that matter most for performance in the given role, and provide the tools to help predict who is likely to be successful in the given context.
Over 54% of organisations do not use objective assessments as part of their succession strategy